Friday, March 14, 2014

Flight MHS 370 the Great Plane Robbery #FB

photo credit: Time. com
Yesterday tweeted based on Horary Astrology that missing Malaysian Air plane 370 could have received great " "damage to Communications equipments Frontal section as prime causeofMHS 370 mystery

today's ToI report of Stanford student's theory goes onsamelines

facts of MHS 370 merit a probe into a new theory. (1) 20+ Electronics Engineers Aboard 2) Confirmed Fraud and suspicious activities (3) Flight paths divergence (4) cutting of all communications to track plane (5) Confusion of ringing phones of passengers

This could be a big coincidence  f MHS 370 is missing due to Natural technical causes

Great plane Robbery as a new chapter In Terrorism needs probe due to above facts. If Terrorists plan to take over plane using well equipped laptops / devices they unlike firearms based terror Could never be detected. Is that Technically feasible esp if a crew is Involved?
If plane is hijacked electronically this could be failed or successful mission and in future usable as "Input" for 911 type attacks. (even though with a large plane it wont be easy to Caputure hide and re launch)
A Plane hijacked in this manner is unlikely to show up as Ransom or terror demand. 
So did the Great plane Robbery go horribly wrong or horribly Right?

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