Sunday, November 26, 2017

Astrology tarot prediction for BJP in Gujarat 2017

This is the tarot sequel to astrology based predictions of Gujarat Himachal election results.Because cards drawn for Himachal outcome gives conflicting outcome, and opinion polls and incumbency factor suggest BJP this segment is bypassed

however Gujarat shock-defeat or Goa Like "victory" is predicted for BJP in spite of being a BJP stronghold "confirmed" by all opinion polls.

Reason for our contrarian stand is not only the astrology indications suggesting mixed fortune for BJP  December 18 results but also confirmed by mysterious tarot card that came up twice for BJP

The five of Pentacles
This is the tarot sequel to astrology based predictions of Gujarat Himachal election results.Because cards drawn for Himachal outcome gives conflicting outcome, and opinion polls and incumbency factor suggest BJP this segment is bypassed

however Gujarat shock-defeat or Goa Like "victory" is predicted for BJP in spite of being a BJP stronghold "confirmed" by all opinion polls.

Reason for our contrarian stand is not only the astrology indications suggesting mixed fortune for BJP  December 18 results but also confirmed by mysterious tarot card that came up twice for BJP

The five of Pentacles

Other card suit point to similar result

we will next post cover the Magic unfolded by Tarot cards by looking at few major mysteries and events and cards that repeatedly came up regarding question for these events

we will next post cover the Magic unfolded by Tarot cards by looking at few major mysteries and events and cards that repeatedly came up regarding question for these events

Friday, November 03, 2017

Predicting Gujarat Himachal elections2017 by astrology

It's safest to predict BJP victory in Gujarat and Himachal elections 2017
But this blog and post is about astrology and tarot based predictions and I have to stick to what stars portend

Details may follow later but here is the juice including quick summary of method

1. We use astrology charts of Vijay rupani Gujarat CM which does not birth time and BJP birth chart transits of planets on result day December 18 and horary astrology to indicate nature of results

2. There's overwhelming evidence of mixed result for BJP which by our methods rules out sweeps or even clear majority in both states Gujarat Himachal-possible at best in only one state

3 position of Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani weakens which can mean lots of things- losing cm post or chief minister of a coalition or leader of opposition

4 our hunch based on  astrological factors is Gujarat will give at best- note the word best- 90 seats

Tarot based predictions. With details may follow later

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